More than 18 months ago, our son, Andrew, took a position with the Rahal racing family. He is in charge of their paint protection business and I have learned more about auto paint and protection systems than I ever thought…
Embracing Change Through Faith
At this time of year, it is easy to run right past Thanksgiving and head directly to Christmas, the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. When we have years like the one we are in, when Thanksgiving is so…
Every several years I am asked to speak to a women’s group that Janet is a member of. They are fundamentally a Christian group and each month they have a speaker present a short program that would be of interest…
Janet and I are big animal lovers. In fact, shortly after we were married, we adopted our first two dogs, Sassy and Bobby. They were both mixed breed dogs, but clearly they were predominantly border collies. Unfortunately, Sassy contracted distemper…
Have you ever fallen asleep during prayer time? Or have you ever been intent on praying and, suddenly, you are distracted by something and you feel guilty because you lost your train of thought? Maybe you even thought that God…