The last Thursday of the month of January has become a day to honor those astronauts who have lost their lives in the pursuit of the conquest of space. Most people don’t realize that there have been three tragedies that…
Embracing Change Through Faith
I am not naturally a technology guy. Back in the 1980’s I took the position that if I didn’t worry about technology, it would somehow go away and I would never have to worry about it again. But that was…
Every once in a while, I am asked to fill in for a pastor who is ill, gone on a trip or otherwise unable to lead the church temporarily. I have helped out in Tipton, IN, Indianapolis, Noblesville, IN and…
It was on this day in 1998 that Ted Kaczynski, dubbed the Unabomber, pleaded guilty to the federal charges against him, ending more than 17 years of bombings attributed to him. Having attended Harvard at the young age of 16…
I’m kind of particular about my Bibles. In fact, I have an entire bookcase of them. They include a small New Testament that my grandmother gave me on my 10th birthday, the Bibles that Janet and I received when we…