With Easter having come three weeks ago today, we are now squarely in the liturgical season of Eastertide. In fact, this church season will continue until May 28th this year, at which time we will celebrate Pentecost. In between Easter…
Embracing Change Through Faith
One of the many things that I am grateful for is that my parents trained me from a very early age to sleep through almost anything, unlike many other people I know. Mom used to run the vacuum cleaner during…
That’s the first thing that I remember after I regained consciousness. I don’t think that I had been out long, but when I opened my eyes, I looked up and saw the beautiful blue sky with a few clouds here…
This past April 2nd, two very important events happened. First and foremost, Janet had a birthday and, as I do every year, I gave thanks that God gifted her to me. What a joy it has been to be married…
Many people come to know Jesus during the Easter season. We are now moving toward the Ascension and then Pentecost, which we celebrate 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus. It is during this period of time that we tend…