For the past fifty years that Janet and I have been married, our number one nuisance has been damage from water in our homes. So Janet knew something was wrong when I ran upstairs yesterday morning and let her know…
Embracing Change Through Faith
Grace is one of those words that we banter about yet there are a number of definitions that sometimes don’t all seem to line up. When I was in seminary, Dr. Branine taught us a very simple definition of grace…
One of the questions that I often get asked is why did God give us the Law of the Old Testament and then change everything with Jesus in the New Testament? Each time I teach Galatians, as I am doing…
This summer, I have been thinking about changes that have occurred during the different seasons of my life. Of course, I have also been present for the changes in the lives of the kids and Janet has gone through her…
A number of years ago, Janet and I had our wills done, along with instructions for doctors in the event that life or death decisions had to be made. We also started to thing about specific assets and how they…