I received a notice this morning that the local Ace Hardware, where I have shopped for 40 years, has a new smoker ambassador. These probably doesn’t mean much to many of you, but I have known the owner of the…
Embracing Change Through Faith
I’ve always been a phone guy… I remember when touch tone took the country by storm and we no longer had to use rotary phones to connect to one another. We could just push a sequence of buttons and that…
I’m sitting here at the office of Janet’s rheumatologist waiting while Janet has her monthly infusion of her Rheumatoid Arthritis meds. Thankfully, although she has suffered for years and has many different treatments, her doctors have finally landed on a…
As many of you know, last July, our dog, Hank, died of complications associated with DCM, dilated cardio myopathy, a heart disease that affects Doberman Pinschers and several other larger breeds. He lived almost two years post diagnosis and, in…
For the past year or so, Janet and I have dedicated ourselves to working on jigsaw puzzles. To start with, they are great entertainment and doctors have made it clear that focusing on how the pieces all fit together stimulates…