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The nation and most of us are in a tough spot these days. We have polar opposites in the political arena and I certainly don’t have to go into detail there. The gloves are off and each side is attacking the others in advance of our national election on November 5th. Our nation needs prayer!

But my post this evening has more to do with our personal lives, prayer and how busy we are. In my case, I am semi-retired and, in all honesty, I don’t know how I ever had time for a full time career! I am busier than I have ever been and I find myself with very little time to myself. That’s not a complaint by the way, but an acknowledgment of how the world has changed in the last decade or so and how we look at the world differently than we used to.

I teach various Bible studies, am President of our local homeowner’s association, consult to several businesses and even travel every once in a while to a client site. Additionally, I enjoy coffee periodically with several friends of mine, have a Zoom call each Monday morning with two ministry friends and I have become a voracious reader of several newsletters so I am well versed on what is going on in the world. Of course, I also write this blog twice a week and love the idea that I am so engaged on so many fronts. I could never have done all this when I was working full time.

But the big thing that I have to keep an eye on is my prayer life. It seems that when I am really busy there are two things on my radar that tend to go unattended – exercise and prayer. While I should exercise more, prayer is by far the more important thing to do. I have also come to realize that the busier I am, the more I need to pray. It seems like very time I turn around, there is a prayer request or someone who needs prayer support.

In the past week, an elderly friend of mine transitioned to an assisted care facility, with his wife, and the move hasn’t been so smooth. A dear friend who has ALS is deteriorating and I have committed to visit with him as often as he likes as he faces a very uncertain future – but he is declining rather rapidly. He called me earlier this week to ask that I work with his family and help them through accepting his ultimate fate.

We also had an issue with one of our appliances and when I called the repair company, Jennifer told me about one of their repairman I know who has recently dealt with cancer in his larynx, needed a knee replacement and a long stint in a nursing facility post surgery. Thankfully, he is cancer free! Praise God…

I happened to contact Jennifer as I was taking Janet to an infusion for her RA and Jennifer prayed for Janet while we were on the phone! There is a committed Christian who doesn’t let her busyness get in the way of her prayer life. Not only that, she advised me to try something to avoid a service call. Her idea worked and she even praised God for the idea that worked!

I have become a real fan of what are referred to as arrow prayers. They are identified as those short, to the point, prayers that we shoot up straight to God in the spur of the moment. Yes, they can be effective but most of us should dedicate more time to prayer. And you know what? I feel better when I take longer periods of time to pray for things. I don’t feel so rushed and I think my prayers may be more effective. Ironically, I always find that when I take time to pray, I undoubtedly save time somewhere else that results in being more effective than if I hadn’t taken the detour to prayer.

As an aside, I know some phenomenal prayer warriors. They always seem to be connected to God and almost live in a state of prayer. Public prayer comes easy for them and they can discern the fine points of prayer requests that come their way. They seem to have a divine insight as to the petitions they receive. And people love to be prayed for. So everyone wins where prayer is active.

Our verse for tonight is from the apostle Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. He implores them to remember to pray and tells them, in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

My encouragement this evening is that prayer is the most direct way to communicate with God. A direct pipeline to the Creator. And it’s amazing how charged up one can get after a talk with God Almighty! My prayer is that we will all experience the joy and peace that comes after prayer. Regardless of your mood, or state in life, unconditional love awaits with the Father and His Son, Jesus. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…

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