How can one not be excited about the weather today? People have been going stir crazy and it’s high time that we should enjoy some great weather. Today was the day! The temperature hit 84 degrees here locally – now I know that isn’t much if you are in Florida or Oklahoma where it was close to 100 yesterday – but let’s face it, for the midwest it is a welcome relief.
We have just survived one of the most horrendous winters that we have ever had. Cities and towns have even tried to augment their budgets for street repairs after the horrible damage that was caused by the freezing conditions we dealt with for months. There are potholes everywhere and even our city, Carmel, is trying to find an additional $1.5 million for street repairs. Needless to say, budgets are already blown and for places already in financial turmoil, this presents quite a problem, especially with elections coming up. But that’s another post for some other time.
When I got home after work today, I went outside to sit and just enjoy nature. It was great. In fact, I don’t know what else I could have asked for. I just sat there and took in the beauty of God’s creation right there in our own backyard. I’m sure you have experienced that kind of joy many times yourself.
So rather that state and re-state the obvious, let’s get right to the verse for this evening. It is from one of the love stories in the Bible, the Song of Solomon. We are told, in Song 2:12, “Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.”In almost every love story, there is some mention of flowers and even the Bible is no exception. My encouragement this evening is that God wants you to enjoy the simple pleasures that He has put on this earth for our benefit and enjoyment. My prayer is that you will make the most of these opportunities and take time in your life to “smell the roses” – because it’s just about that time of year… Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…