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Renewing My Tired Mind…

By September 8, 2024Devotional

Today was a busy day. Three hours in a ferry heading to and then returning from Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. Of course, the ferry was late (both ways), traffic was really intense on the the islands, the unknown was a contributing factor to stress and on top of it all, we are in a part of the country that has different customs and social graces than what we are used to in the Midwest.

I also noticed that as I sat down to write this evening, the clock on my iPad showed that it was 9:42 p.m. – the exact time each Sunday evening that my mother used to call and want to discuss the week. Of course, back in those days, I would announce that I was busy watching TV (this was before the ability to record programs) and I would be happy to return her call at 10:00. After all, I had invested 42 minutes in a story line and I didn’t want to have that time go to waste by missing the ending.

That was before Mom died back in 1998. Even today, as you can tell, I have a special place in my heart for 9:42 Sunday evenings. You may even think I am exaggerating about the consistency of the time, but I am not… Mom called every Sunday evening at 9:42 p.m. – without exception.

Tonight, I am beyond tired. Age is starting to impact my ability to maintain the energy level I have had most of my life. Last Thursday, I wrote post #2000 and I figured that I could beg for mercy and plead exhaustion – announcing that I was passing for tonight and #2001 would have to wait until next Thursday, or even next Sunday, when I would be comfortably home.

When I saw the time, as late as it is, I realized that discipline and consistency have been the hallmarks of TBTB since the beginning. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I really couldn’t take a short sabbatical from writing tonight. I even had the verse picked out that I would use this evening. It is Genesis 2:2, where Moses tells us, “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” That was going to be the end… I was going to rest…

But you know what? Even the best laid plans… Once I got started, I couldn’t end without really thinking about all the things that have happened since Thursday. We have met new friends from Memphis, learned a ton about the east coast and the areas we have travelled, had a chance to renew ourselves a little and I have even spoken to scholars about issues such the the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the importance of the Constitution. It has been a most enjoyable week to far – so different from the norm but exhilarating in many ways as well. In fact, it has stretched me to look at the world through a difference lens this week. For example, how necessary it is for each of us to depend on others to assist us in areas where we may not be very competent.

So, instead, our verse for tonight is from Paul’s letter to the people of Rome. The apostle tells them, and us, in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” I guess that you could say that I have already been on a sabbatical this week. And I have been energized by it.

My encouragement is that rest and renewal can come in many forms. In my case, a few days away in a place where I continue to be challenged by new people and surrounded by knowledge, have invigorated me. My prayer is that we will all keep an open mind, looking for opportunities to challenge one another and learn from one another in every aspect of our lives. After all, even being tired, we have things to offer as food for thought to everyone we come into contact with. And, on top of it all, I have used the time that I would have spoken to Mom – to speak with you. Thank you for reading, TBTB nation. You are a very important part of my life… Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…

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