This year, I am kicking back a little from the frenetic pace that I have worked at for many decades. I enjoy working but the time has come to get a little more balance in my life and it is something of an adjustment for me. On the other hand, Janet is perfectly content with her life right now – and I mean virtually every aspect of her life. Ironically, we are involved in a series at church that is titled “I will…” and the five topics that have been covered since Christmas include working on the following: our relationship with God, our relationship with our spouse, working to improve personal health, our relationship with the family and finally, working on our finances.
I have been impressed that each week Janet has expressed contentment in each of these areas of her life. I wish that I could say that about myself, but I can’t! Of course, there is always room for improvement but Janet has a great relationship with God, our marriage is rock solid and it is difficult to believe it could be any better, she is healthy and takes care of herself with the caveat that there really isn’t anything she can do with her arthritis (but she is content), she is the glue that holds the family together and she is content with our finances.
On balance, Janet has always been a content person. No matter the situation, Janet is not one who wishes that she had a newer car, or a bigger house, or more jewelry or clothes, etc. I think you get the idea… She is content in her Christian walk and knows that God will provide for us as He knows our need. That means we may not get everything we WANT, but that’s not the issue. God knows our NEED, and that is sufficient for us. And this steadfast attitude is something that Janet has had as long as I have known her – and that’s a pretty long time now – coming up on 60 years pretty soon…
On the other hand, I guess that I find it a little tougher to be content; I should lose some additional weight and I am always thinking about starting a new company – I admire Janet’s ability to rest in the moment and know that beyond fail, God will provide for our every need. I suppose it is a little macho, but occasionally I worry about adequately providing for the family – yet this isn’t even on her radar as an issue. Rather, she counts our blessings and is incredibly grateful for how we have been blessed.
Since we have been processing this sermon series, my contentment has grown and every once in a while I experience the kind of contentment that Janet enjoys every day in her faith. So that brings us to the current issue…
I was getting ready to email Janet an interesting article that I had been reading about retirement and the change in how people live as they wind down their careers. However, I mis-typed her email address and tried to send the message to “jyoussaint” instead of “jtoussaint.” Immediately, autocorrect kicked in and tried to send the email to “joyous saint.” I actually laughed out loud. In all the years I have been typing Janet’s email address, I have never had this happen.
But I couldn’t help but realize that the “Joyous saint” label couldn’t be more appropriate. Janet is joyful and the most content person I have ever known. I have done well over the years to try and mirror her faith. Her faith is unshakeable and a great inspiration for those around her. She is patient and kind; and possesses the other fruits of the spirit as well.
Our verse for this evening is from the apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippians. He tells us about his own journey and the level of contentment he has found in Christ. We are told, in Phil. 4:11-13, “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”
My encouragement this evening is that God wants us to be content and know that He will provide for our needs. My prayer is that you will experience the supreme peace that comes from divine contentment knowing that kindness, peace, hope, patience and above all, love, are the things that should occupy our time. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…