Back in 1959, my parents attended church with John and Nancy Boyd, at Trinity Methodist Church, located at 99th and Winchester on the south side of Chicago. Both Nancy and my mother were pregnant at the same time, and apparently,…
August 15th is the second in a string of three days in a row that our family celebrated birthdays or anniversaries. Yesterday, I wrote about 2 family anniversaries, while today and tomorrow are birthday remembrances. Today is a very important…
Tonight’s story starts way back on Aug. 14, 1912, the day my Dad’s parents got married. That’s right – 99 years ago today. I guess that I could have waited for next year and done a 100 year thing, and…
Today, Janet and I attended an annual event that we try to never miss. No, it’s not the Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis, although that is in full swing right now. Instead, it is a leadership conference put on in…
It’s only Wednesday and already it has been a long week. Things started out rather quietly on Monday, but have really accelerated yesterday and today. In fact, it is 11:30 p.m. and I am just now sitting down to write….
The day that I went down for my interview with the Dean of the Seminary at Heritage, where I attended school, was one of the most remarkable afternoons I have ever experienced. Of course, I was nervous. After all, it…
Every once in a while, I run across something that catches my eye. Usually, it is a coffee mug, flowers, or some sort of trinket that I end up buying on the spur of the moment. Depending on what it…
….when you go to the store to buy fibre – for your daughter. That’s right. For Kristin. And that’s how we spent our time together this evening. Mind you, not your typical father/daughter outing, but nonetheless, that is what we…
August 2nd is a special day in our family. That’s because Janet’s Dad celebrates a big birthday today – he turns 90. That’s pretty special – especially when you consider that he is in fine shape! Janet’s parents, John and…