Xavier Alverez lied about his medals, his wounds and his service record in the US military. In fact, he also claimed that he had played hockey for the Detroit Red Wings, rescued the American Ambassador during the Iranian hostage crisis…
Admittedly, you have read quite a bit this week about what is happening with our family. But our daughter Jill and our son Andrew have been the unsung heros in all of our recent tribulations. Jill loves in Oklahoma, but…
You can tell from yesterday’s post that Kristin is going though some very difficult family times. Her marriage is in the process of ending, after almost 13 years, and there isn’t anything that she can do about it. I have…
Kristin, Janet and I just got home from a full day of meetings. It’s 11:35 pm and we are all tired. I can’t go into details, but suffice it to say that the whole experience was grueling and eventually God…
The above series of letters stands for the “Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine”, a brotherhood that you probably know by its more common name, the Shriners. When a person becomes a Shriner and enters the door of…
As you know from yesterday, I spent the night in Dallas. Although I usually stay in one of my regular hotels, I decided to try out the Ritz – admittedly one of the finest hotels in the Dallas area. I…
Some of the posts the last several weeks have been pretty serious – in fact, a couple of them have been downright intense, so how about a little lighter story for tonight? You know – Janet and I don’t like to…
Ninety-six years ago today, on Feb. 26, 1916, Herbert Walton Gleason, Jr. was born at 364 Chauncey Street in Brooklyn, New York. Not long after, he was baptized John Herbert Gleason, but for those of you old enough to remember…
I always wanted to be a surgeon. Really, I did. In fact, I wanted to be a bioengineer – that’s a doctor who is involved in the design, building and perhaps even use of state of the art medical devices….