I’m writing to you this evening from Corbin, KY, about an hour south of Lexington, where we are staying this evening on our way to Hilton Head Island with Kristin and her three boys. We have arrived safe and sound;…
This summer, Janet and I are coming up on our 39th anniversary. And during that time, we have lived in a number of places. First, an apartment on in Darien, IL, then a condo in Downers Grove, IL, followed by…
My maternal grandfather died on March 24, 1972. It truly was the end of an era. After all, my Dad’s parents lived in the northwestern suburbs of Chicago, at least 45 minutes away from where our family lived. But Mom’s…
I am not a very patient person. Never have been…. I am one of those type A personalities who drives hard and really has a difficult time being idle. I usually find myself wishing that some event was over so…
I’m really not a morning kind of guy. I’m much stronger in the evening, when I usually write my posts, answer emails and kick back to watch TV. In fact, I have always found it a little lonely in the…
It’s been kind of a heavy week and my posts have reflected that. So, tonight I decided to bring a little levity into the mix. But to understand the day, it is important that you understand the backdrop. And I…
I didn’t know what to call tonight’s post. I want to speak about blessings, but sometimes they come in strange ways and rather than being overtly good, they challenge us. And as I was thinking about this, it occurred to…
Lately, I have been thinking quite a bit about time; or maybe I should say, the lack of it. It seems that I am busy from early morning to after midnight every day. Right now, it’s 11:10 pm and I…
I was raised in a family that believed in respect for our elders. I called my grandparents by their surnames, and no matter how old I get, I still usually refer to members of generations older than mine as sir…