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Learning to Be Accountable…

By September 29, 2024Devotional

I come from a line of people who were diabetic. Dad and members of his family struggled with diabetes and even distant cousins have also had problems with sugar. Clearly, it is hereditary. But luckily, my bother has escaped the issue that I deal with. I’m not aware that anyone on Mom’s side ever struggled with this particular problem. In any event, I have fought borderline diabetes for years now. Thankfully, I am being treated with oral meds and am not insulin dependent – at least not yet.

The last year or so, my numbers have been climbing and while the doctor is not overly concerned, I have had to increase my meds in response to higher sugar levels. To be sure, it is a very minimal increase but I want things moving the other direction – fewer meds, not more!

I have talked with a number of people I know who have addressed this sugar issue by starting with the new GLP-1 class of drugs that include Mounjaro and others that are similar. In fact, Mounjaro and Zepbound are, to my understanding, the same drug aimed at different markets.

The reason I bring this up is that our pharmacist asked me last week why I just don’t start on Mounjaro. He isn’t the first one who has suggested that to me. I have been pretty much assured that my problems would be over and I would be able to eat what I wanted… The weight would fall off and my sugar numbers would improve at the same time. In other words, let the drugs do the work and enjoy the ride. I guess I know enough to realize, through my work with medical centers, that it’s tough to get off these drugs once you start on them. I know there are people who really need this help, and I may well be one of them, but I just can’t bring myself to start putting additional drugs into my system.

I guess I am rebelling. Like many others, my weight has gone up and down. But I am proactively choosing another path. So… I have contacted my doctor and asked to get a prescription for a CGM – a continual glucose monitor. The truth of the matter is that while I know some info on diabetes, I don’t know exactly how my body processes sugar and carbohydrates. I want to study that first hand and actually see data that teaches me about me.

So, yesterday I picked up the glucose monitor from our local CVS and read up on it last night. In fact, I was quite impressed. There is an app for my phone (isn’t there an app for everything!) and this morning I actually put on the monitor. The instructions are pretty specific about location on your arm and syncing with your phone so you get real time data that is accurate. Each monitor lasts for two weeks and then you replace it with a new one.

I am impressed with the technology. Instant glucose readings, historical data and trends about whether sugar levels are static, climbing or falling. Now I can see immediately how my body reacts to what I eat and from this data, I hope to educate myself to make better choices in the months ahead. In a way, the monitor is my accountability partner. I can think whatever I want, but the truth is I now have a way to KNOW what is going on. By being held accountable, even by my own choosing, I am bound to improve. We will know soon enough.

It occurs to me that my walk with God has also been about accountability. For years I have taught Bible studies and have been diligent in my own studies. The only way to get into a closer relationship with God is to spend time with Him. You can listen to others and try to take shortcuts but the only way that you will KNOW God better is to spend time, put yourself in a position to be held accountable and do the hard work of studying and learning. In fact, that is what gave me the idea to start monitoring my sugar levels. Of course, the Bible, along with prayer and Christian counsel, are the best tools out there to becoming more Christlike.

Our verse for tonight is from the author of Hebrews. He tells us, in Hebrews 4:13-16, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

My encouragement this evening is that eventually we will all stand before God and nothing will be hidden. The truth will be revealed. Thankfully, we serve a merciful God who knows our human trials and tribulations. My prayer is that we will do everything possible to KNOW Jesus on a personal level and receive His grace, even when we fall short of the lofty goals that He has set for His flock. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…

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