The last several weeks I have had interactions with a number of people who are undergoing extreme life change. Last week when my father-in-law and I were discussing financial independence and how you should be bringing in more than you spend, he let me know that the key to the whole thing is to “keep your head above water.” I got to thinking about that simple phrase. Too many times in my life, I have assumed that I could always just increase my income to make up for any excess expenditures that I incurred. It took me many years to realize that it’s not as easy as it looks to just decide to increase your cash intake. In fact, it’s much easier to control your spending and make sure that you have enough in the bank to meet your needs – wants are extra and not necessarily possible every time you want something.
But there’s another whole group of people who are having a difficult time keeping their heads above water – but it’s not as simple as cutting out some extras or picking up an additional job to reduce the gap between income and expense. I’m speaking about those situations where the stress and strain of health issues or even corporate responsibilities make it next to impossible to know how to make the next move.
During the last several weeks, I have coached several teams that are struggling with members who are dealing with cancer. Likewise, several teams have members who are facing divorce and relational problems. Still others have teammates who are dealing with mental health issues, that can be even more complex that physical issues. Whether it is depression, or any number of other mental or emotional infirmities, keeping your head above water can be a really tough thing to do.
Most of the people who are suffering from that sense of going under forget to turn to the one entity who can permanently give them rest from their trials and tribulations. Of course, I’m talking about God. Sometimes, in the stress of the moment, we neglect to turn our problems over to God. He promises us that he is capable of handling anything that come into our lives. And He invites us to turn over our problems to Him.
Our verse for this evening comes from Matt. 11:28-30, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” These words were spoken by Jesus Himself. And that should be an encouragement for you in itself. Jesus desires to take your problems on Himself. And my prayer is that the next time you feel that you can’t keep your head above water, you will remember to call out to the one who is eternal and the who laid down His mortal life for all of us. Have a great day in the Lord, grace and peace…